Reading Contest – even more to come
On Friday, 3rd February 2023, Jeremy, our assistant from Nottingham, could proudly present our reading contestants who ambitiously read their prepared texts to a small audience.
Our jury members – Adis and Jonah from Year Q2, Ms Oldenburg, Ms Matzen and Ms Deckert – were really impressed and had hard decisions to make.
Finally, our dialogue teams Emma & Laura (6a) and Dana & Emma (6b), as well as our single readers Hannah (9b) and Medine (9c) qualified for the school competition with CaJaBu (Carl-Jacob-Burckhardt Gymnasium) on 24th March.
Let’s see if our students can win over the big crowd, too! Fingers crossed!
Ms Matzen and Ms Deckert as the organizers are also looking forward to the final round and send huge thanks to all who made it happen: You are truly fantastic!