A school dog’s life

Hi there, it’s me, Luna, your school dog. Wow, time is just flying – what a year!


Still, it’s not that easy to train people, but I do my best – and the good news is that I’ve got an apprentice now, little Findus. He wants to become a school dog, too, decided to live at our secretary’s home and seems to be a nice fellow, although, of course, I had to give him the cold shoulder first – merely a question of authority.


Looking back, for example, I had really nice students from Kiel.

One of them, Anna, taught in one of my classes, Form 5c. She did a great job, the kids were drawing fantasy animals in one of her lessons, which they liked a lot.

In general, Form 5c is a busy class, they also wrote letters to their primary school teachers at the beginning of this school year and received some answers – that had been so nice! Thanks a lot to everyone!


Talking about busy classes, Form 6b has got the cleanest classroom of all – and they know how to treat their school dog well! They invented my support teams that I really appreciate – fantastic job!


Furthermore, I’m very active with my club members – they are the coolest, they weather the storm, not just figuratively, literally, too.

Not that long ago we went outside when it was raining, no one complained, to be honest, they nearly behaved a little too actively, running up these hills in our forest parts – it wasn’t that easy to keep them all together, but finally, I succeeded.


Many thanks to our school administration team for the beautiful Advent calendar – I got a reflector which is really great when I stroll around in the dark. 


And also huge thanks to the Schulz family – they supported me training the staff well by offering lots of snacks, so that the teachers  – the ones who were still healthy – could work harder. You won’t believe how quickly chocolate and other sweets disappeared this time. Unbelievable!


I’m only a little bit worried about Mr. Hallen – sometimes he barks at me and he still refuses to offer any of his foods. Well, sometimes you can’t have it all – I shouldn’t be too hard on myself, neither should you. That could be something for our New Year’s resolutions: Don’t be too hard on yourself!


With this in mind I wish you all a beautiful Christmas/ winter time and a




P. S.: Oh, I nearly forgot, my girls from Form 7b and I had some Christmas fun – just like that – when dressing up as Rudolph, the reindeer. Yeah, but, Lea, it definitely suits you better than me. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!