Nachgefragt… – Dania im Gespräch mit Frau Deckert und Luna

Welcome Ms Deckert and Luna – let’s start with the interview!
Do you like to teach at this school?
Yes, I definitely do.
How long have you been teaching here?
Let me think, I have been teaching at TG for nearly 13 years by now.
What do you like at this school?
I like a lot at our school, but most of all I enjoy being part of our students’ progress – it is more than cool seeing you start in class 5 and finally happily holding your leaving certifications in your hands.
Which subjects do you teach?
I teach German and English on a regular basis, sometimes Theatre, too. This year I also teach IT and Skills and I would love to teach Happiness as a subject in the future.
What did you do in the corona-pandemic?
Most of my free time I spent at the Baltic Sea with my dog Luna – we both just love being at the beach.
Let‘s talk a little bit about Luna…
What have you taught Luna already?
Not as much as she has already taught me 😀
How old is Luna?
Luna is three years old.
When is Luna‘s birthday?
It’s on 29th October.
How often do you go for a walk with Luna?
Usually, we go for a walk three times a day, but sometimes we are a little bit less active concerning the walking and just do some ‘brain work’.
What kind of tasks does Luna have as a school dog?
Well, Luna doesn’t want to be cuddled all the time … Mainly, her task is to raise awareness of other individual beings’ needs. She shows us how to stay calm and be a real team player.
Are you and Luna very tired after a day at school?
Actually, after a busy school day, Luna is even more tired than me, but I am tired, too. Some fresh afternoon air brings back our energy.
Thanks a lot for your time!
It was my pleasure.